11 Publications
Büthe, Tim, and Helen V. Milner. “The Interaction of International and Domestic Institutions: Preferential Trade Agreements, Democracy, and Foreign Direct Investment.” Referenced from papers.ssrn.com: The Interaction of International and Domestic Institutions: Preferential Trade Agreements, Democracy, and Foreign Direct Investment.
Chaudoin, Stephen, Helen V. Milner, and Xun Pang. 2016. “National Policy Autonomy and the Moderating Effects of Supranational Organizations.” International Studies Quarterly 2016. Referenced from www.isanet.org: National Policy Autonomy and the Moderating Effects of Supranational Organizations.
de la Cuesta, Brandon, Helen V. Milner, Daniel Nielson, and Stephen Knack. 2017. “Taxation Without Representation? Experimental Evidence from Ghana and Uganda on Taxes, Oil, and Aid.” World Bank Policy Research Working Paper (No. WPS 8137): 56. Referenced from documents.worldbank.org: Taxation without Representation? Experimental Evidence from Ghana and Uganda on Taxes, Oil, and Aid.
Gazmararian, Alexander F., and Helen V. Milner. 2023. “Firm Responses to Climate Change: Exit and Voice..”
Gazmararian, Alexander F., and Helen V. Milner. 2023. “Preference Updating Under Uncertainty: Evidence from Responses to Global Warming...”
Han, Ze, Helen V. Milner, and Kris James Mitchener. 2023. “Deep Roots: On the Persistence of American Populism.” SSRN. Referenced from ssrn.com: Deep Roots: On the Persistence of American Populism.
Harish, S.P., Helen Milner, and Nita Rudra. 2023. “Do Workers in Developing Countries Love Globalization? Analyzing the Informal-Formal Divide..”