@inbook{83916, author = {Helen V. Milner}, title = {International Trade}, abstract = {

International trade has become one of the most potent issues in both domestic and international politics these days. Under the rubric of globalization, international trade has become a contentious issue in domestic politics, as the recent WTO conference in Seattle showed. In international politics, trade is today a premiere instrument of statecraft, as witnessed by~the US{\textendash}China trade agreement and the EU{\textquoteright}s accession negotiations with the countries of East and Central Europe. How can we explain the trade policy choices that states make? What theories do we possess that illuminate the nature of countries{\textquoteright} trade relations?

}, year = {2013}, journal = {Handbook of International Relations}, volume = {2}, pages = {720-745}, publisher = {SAGE Publications}, address = {Thousand Oaks, CA}, url = {http://sk.sagepub.com/reference/hdbk_intlrelations/n23.xml}, language = {eng}, }